Flying Cars Era

Flying Cars Era


Flying Cars Era Overview

Flying Cars Era, players are taken into a not-so-distant future where technology has developed strongly, when flying cars have become popular.


The game combines racing and adventure elements, providing a stimulating and engaging experience.


Players will take part in amazing air races, with the ability to fly freely over modern cities, see beautiful views from above and even perform extremely impressive jumps.


Control your flying car flexibly on the streets and in the sky. Fly over skyscrapers, weave through narrow ravines and explore the vast world.


This game combines driving, flying, and combat elements, providing a thrilling and challenging experience.

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Control Flying Cars Era?


Move "W,A,S,D" or "ARROW KEYS".
Hand brake "SPACE".
Reset car position "R".
Look back "B".


If playing two players:


Player 1.


Hand brake "P".
Reset car position "O".
Look back "L".


Player 2:


Move "W,A,S,D".
Hand brake "SPACE".
Reset car position "R".
Look back "T".


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