Gangster Hero Grand Simulator is an action-packed open world game that immerses players in the thrilling life of a gangster in a massive city environment. The game offers a combination of exploration, combat, and mission-based gameplay, allowing players to experience the excitement and challenges of being a criminal mastermind. Players will take on the role of a criminal mastermind. The infamous gangster is navigating a vast and detailed cityscape. The game gives the player the freedom to explore the city and participate in various activities, such as driving stolen cars, participating in street races, participating in tournaments. Tension guns and interactions with various characters.
Control Gangster Hero Grand Simulator?
- W -Accelerate
- S -Backward
- A -Steer Left
- D -Steer Right
- C -Change Camera
- R-Reset Car
- Space – Jump
- L-Shift – Sprint / Nitro
- M -Map, F -Car Enter/Exit
- I -Instructions
- P/Esc -Pause
- H -Horn
- Q -Roll
- E -Inventory
- Z -Radio